Thursday, July 17, 2008

If You Walk Without Rythm, Then You Wont Attract The Worm

For those of you who don't know me, and I know there's probably a few of you even though Paige insists her entire readership consists of family members, I'm the elusive little sister know variously as either Katie, Katherine, Kit or really, honestly, any other K name you can think of...

Paige has been on me for a long time to write a blog post, and I keep insisting that I've been planning to write them and end up getting busy/lazy etc. So to date, this is only my second entry.

In my defense, my last semester was pretty intense, and I subsisted off of a lot of Red Bull... err, healthy full meals Mom I promise... This isn't all that unusual for the girls I live with. As it turns out, everyone in the house is busy and has a similar schedule - who knew?

If you've been reading Paige's blog for a while you might know that I like to dance, and was in the musical Cabaret last summer. So this year, when some girls in the house expressed an interest in dancing for AXO's fundraiser "Lipsync" I was really excited. But, unfortunately, with all those nasty tests, labs, etc, getting in the way, we found ourselves one week before the deadline with no dance choreographed and no rehearsals under our belts. As luck would have it, all of us were pretty darn busy that week too, so seeing as the show was next Saturday things weren't looking too promising.

Fortunately, it seems the Lipsync board is used to busy schedules too, and the dress rehearsal/last day to drop out, was the Saturday of the performance (nice). Five of us were sitting in the living room, psetting together when we decided that we could give up our Saturday to do the show in true MIT fashion - by cramming all day, after all there's a reason why our motto is "Sleep is for the weak." One of the girls who was working full time and overheard us even agreed to choreograph some of it in advance!

So we six got up at 8am on Saturday, learned the whole dance, and took the stage. It will make more sense (Dad) if you've seen the Fat Boy Slim music video - Weapon of Choice and the prom dance scene from the movie She's All That. The title of the post is from a line in the first song - it's also a reference to the uber-nerdy sci-fi book "Dune," you know you're jealous.

Christopher Walkin is yours truly ...

[PS: see Paige, I told you I would do a video sometime]

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