Wednesday, September 26, 2007


We live on about 80 acres but those 80 acres are surrounded by about 2,000 acres owned by the DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) which means that we basically live in the middle of a huge national park, this is great because it means that no one can ever build around us and we will always feel like we are in the middle of nowhere. The only thing we need to legally cross onto DEP land is a permit for "recreational use" which they sell to the general public, it is like a fishing license but for hiking. Unfortunatley, the DEP also sells hunting licenses for their land and every now and then a stray hunter will wander onto our property while tracking something. Hunting season starts in October so I have spent the last couple days putting up these 'No Trespassing' signs along our property line. Yesterday I was doing a particularly heavily wooded area and as I was climbing uphill I managed to headbutt a sharp stick that was pointed downhill. It hurt but I didn't think much of it until I reached up and found a piece of the branch sticking out of my forehead. As soon as I pulled it out I realized that I had a bit more than a scratch, my first thought was to put my finger over the hole but all that got me was a bloody finger. I knew I had to cover the hole because 1) I was about a 15 minute walk from the house and I didn't want to be covered in blood by the time I got back 2) because I was still in the middle of the woods and I could just picture myself tripping and getting the cut/hole all dirty and 3) because head wounds bleed alot. I really didn't want to use my shirt because I didn't want blood all over my shirt so instead I pulled my visor down around my forehead and just pulled it really tight. I got back to the house and warned dad that I probably looked much worse than I was. He promised not to freak out, cleaned me up, determined I didn't need a stitch and took a picture so that I could put it on my blog ;) Thanks dad! Here is a picture of the visor - it is pretty gross, I think I'm gonna have to throw it out. I made it through the rest of the day with a bandaide but it got stuck in my hair and taking it off was more painful than headbutting the stick so after my shower I devised this lovely homemade one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ciao Paige. Wow! Who knew that life on the mannor was not only hard work but a little dangerous as well. I loved the overalls. And the catchy music. You'e inspired me to do the same (create the blog-- I already rough myself up quite nicely at the villa but confess that I do not ((as of yet)) own a pair of cover-alls) and will begin today-- now as a matter of fact. More to follow. We are taking the dogs to Italy for 6 weeks (their first time) and there should be plenty of tales to share. I'm subscribing to yours now and I may have some questions for you as to how to best be a country squire.
Baci bella,
James, the soon to be Americano living in Italia.