Monday, September 24, 2007

Message from Hogwarts

Dad and Julie are part of a group that has monthly cocktail parties during the summer. They have roughly the same group of friends at each party, one couple will volunteer to host that month and then everyone shows up from 4pm to 6pm one Sunday afternoon. It is very easy, very low key and everyone really enjoys them. The host couple usually invites one or two new couples to join - people they know but that everyone else might not know - which is a great way to meet new people when you live in such a spread out community (our driveway is a half mile long... that doesn't exactly invite new neighbors to "drop by"). Earlier this summer (while I was still in Gainesville) Dad called me up after one of these cocktail parties and said that he had met someone I might be interested in meeting once I got up to NY. He couldn't remember the guy's name but said that they had got to talking and it came up that he records the audiobook versions of the Harry Potter books. In case you have forgotten, the final book in the Harry Potter series was released this summer so Harry Potter hype was at an all time high. I not only knew who this guy was (Jim Dale) but I had his audiobook versions of the first six books on my ipod as a refresher (and to tide me over until the seventh book came out)! Even if you aren't a huge Harry Potter fan, you've gotta be impressed with Jim Dale. He doesn't just read the stories, he has a unique voice for every single character! He actually holds two Guinness World Records: one for having created and recorded 134 different character voices for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (book 5), and one for occupying the first six places in the 'Top Ten Audio Books of America 2005". He is a big deal. After I relayed my excitement to Dad he must have mentioned it to Jim (embarrassing, but totally worth it) because a couple days later I received this voicemail on my cellphone... the video is a little over the top I know - but it is not everyday that you get a message from Hogwarts ;)

If you listen closely, as 'Dumbledore' is hanging up he says "I knew a dragon once called Redfield..." And if you were wondering, yes, the "cocktail party" on my calendar was one of these summer cocktail parties and yes, I got to meet Jim Dale - he really is awesome.

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