Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July at Put

I escaped from school to spend the holiday weekend up with Dad and Julie. I can't believe it has only been a month since I was last there because the plants in the garden have exploded with growth since then - I especially enjoyed all the raspberries we picked, ate and made into sherbet! I took the train up on Friday morning and Friday afternoon we went to a local rodeo, Saturday we went to a flea market where we got a mermaid statue for the swimming hole and a swinging chair/table contraption for out at the lake and then on Sunday we had a picnic on the deck with Rob and his brother and brother's wife. Rob's brother's wife, Angel, made homemade bread, butter and cheese - I ate so much of this that I almost had to neglect the chicken (which was one of the meat birds Dad and Julie raised last year), the raspberry sherbet and the blueberry and fig pie Rob made... it was a feast!

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