Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bee Keeper

I eased the transition from LA to NYC by spending two jam packed weeks at Dad and Julie's house. During that time we got a new batch of baby (meat) chickens, stocked the lake with carp (a type of fish that will eat the weeds that grow in there) and got bees! Bees are good because they help pollinate all of your plants which means that you will get many more flowers and fruits and veggies. Their honey also helps build your immunity to local allergens since it is made from the nectar of the plants around your house. All in all they are pretty great, if you can get past that whole stinging part. Rob (a local who knows everything about everything when it comes to being a country boy in upstate NY) let me help install the hive and I am proud to report that I did not receive a single sting! Here I am preparing the old hive for the new bees:And here I am with a few "clingers" (Rob's term, not mine)!

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