Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some NYC Volley

L to R: Andy, Alvin, Paige, Mike
I overheard one of the guys in my anesthesia program (Alvin) talking about a beach volleyball league that he plays in on Wednesday nights (the conversation went something along the lines of "I have a game tonight but I don't think I can go because I have to study" booooo. this is the story of my life right now) and I told him that I had played in California and to keep me in mind if his team ever needed a sub. Well we have a lull in tests this week before finals (a calm before the storm, if you will) and the two girls that play on his team are out of town so he asked if I wanted to play and I jumped at the chance! Who knew I would ever have the opportunity to play beach volleyball again?! Now I can't wait to teach them how to play Ace...

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