Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nice Leotard

I have a pretty awesome Advanced Physiology teacher (and I am clearly not the only one who thinks so, as evidenced by her facebook fan club). She is really good at explaining her material and she is also very good about incorporating technology into her lesson plans to keep us all engaged. She was the one who posted the Mouse Party link for us before the first test and then, before the last test (which included the respiratory system), she sent us this talk by David Blane discussing how he trained to hold his breath for 17 minutes (VERY cool if you have 20 minutes to kill). She even goes so far as to record her lectures and then post them on iTunes for us to download and re-watch in case we miss something during lecture. So clearly this lady is on top of things in the IT department which is why it was hilarious when this slide popped up during her lecture last week:Before she put it up she explained that she can't bring herself to update it because it is just so ridiculous. For the record, the lady in the diagram does not need to be lying down to get the point of this slide across, there is also no reason for her to be in workout gear - especially not zebra print workout gear. But I can see how this one would be hard to part with.

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