Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

I used to think that I would change. I thought that once I got to college and joined a sorority I would all of the sudden like wearing make-up and dressing up and I thought that once I moved to L.A. I would all of the sudden enjoy "going out" to trendy clubs until the early morning hours. I'm not saying I haven't become more open to these things after being exposed to them more in my day-to-day life but I think I can safely say I haven't really changed - I still enjoy function over fashion when it comes to getting ready at the beginning of the day (tattooed eyeliner anyone?) and I would much rather get up at 5am than stay up until 5am (sorry Katie). Realizing this has made it all the more fun to embrace the things I enjoy doing on the more nerdy end of the social spectrum with the money I am not spending on clothes and with the extra hours in my day that don't have to be devoted to sleeping off a hang-over. Wednesday night that meant playing Drag Queen Bingo. Mark May invited me out to a fundraiser for Reading to Kids at a bar in Hollywood (yes, I went out to a bar in Hollywood!) called Hamburger Mary's that has a bingo tournament every Wednesday night in support of a local charity - drunken bingo is fun, but drunken bingo hosted by Drag Queen's with dirty mouths who call themselves the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (which is what I will be naming my Gasparilla crew someday) is awesome.

1 comment:

The O'Brien's Team said...

what is that neon thing growing out of my head?