Thursday, February 18, 2010

Father Paris

One of Chuck's BC professors was in town last weekend and he stopped by Manhattan Beach to see how his former pupil is surviving. We spent the day at MOCA , where he quizzed us on the pieces to find out how much we knew (not much for me, Chuck fared better but he has been to museums with Father Paris before) and then showed us how to look at the art and talked us through most of the exhibits - it was a very cool learning experience. My favorite part was that before we even walked in the door he gave us a goal: we had to choose one piece of art for our personal collection and one that we would give to a school of our choice. After the museum we came back for a beer on the beach and then spent the evening learning to cook! We started with shrimp stuffed avocados and then had scallops, rice pilaf (with chopped up apricots and cinnamon mixed in) and spinach - very tasty!

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