Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Open Water Diver

I take it back. I take it ALL back. This Sunday we did our last day of open water diving on a boat called the Sand Dollar. This time we were scheduled to leave at 6am... unfortunately I had a birthday party to attend the night before so I didn't get in bed until around 1:30 and so, come 4:30 when my alarm went off (the dock was an hour away), I was about ready to quit the sport altogether. But I dragged my ass out of bed and rolled up around 5:45. We checked in and then they told us to go on board, claim a bunk, and meet in the galley for breakfast at 6:15 - WHAT?! A bunk?! Breakfast?! A half hour later, full of eggs and toast, I was drifting off to sleep in my BUNK and loving life. We were still heading out to Catalina it just turned out that this boat was a bit slower so the trip was going to take 2:30 to 3 hrs. I got a solid 2 hours of sleep and then woke up as we pulled into our dive site. After our first dive they fed us lunch (chili), after our second dive we got a snack (chicken wings) and after our final dive we packed up, dried off and then ate as much salad, spaghetti and garlic bread as we could handle while watching Sunday night football on a big flatscreen while we motored home. It was awesome. I am now an official open water diver and I will be working on my advanced certification so that I can sign up for a lobster diving trip on the Sand Dollar ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats the best underwater cinematography ever - and laura's new favorite song too. Have fun lobster diving. Did you know you could have been spear fishing off tampa all these years?