Friday, November 30, 2007

Sunken Gardens

The more chances I get to visit Tampa as an adult (I'm using the term loosely), the more I am beginning to realize that my Tampa experience thus far was pretty limited. My universe revolved around school, sports and not much else. I could only drive for two out of the thirteen years that I lived there and it wasn't like I was going off on weekend adventures during those two years. In my mind Tampa is not a vacation destination, if we had an open weekend we did not spend it at local attractions, we left! Now when I go home it is like a whole new town, over the Thanksgiving holiday we visited Sunken Gardens, "a botanical paradise in the midst of a bustling city". OK, so it is no Busch Gardens but, more importantly, it doesn't want to be! Instead of trying to go hi-tech, this little park embraces its tacky 1950's-tourist-trap side and the result was well worth our afternoon.

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