Monday, November 12, 2007

For Love of Dumplings

I found a recipie for dumplings last week and I have been to the grocery store three separate times trying to gather the correct ingredients. The directions call for "wonton noodles" which are apparently unheard of in Carmel, New York. Julie kept trying to describe them to me (she claimed to have used them in a recipie before) but I was having no such luck and the grocery store employees were no help at all. So yesterday on the way home from the pirate party, we stop by the grocery store and guess what Julie is able to locate in under two minutes - that's right, the damn wonton noodles. So for future reference, if you ever need to find wonton noodles they are next to the soy products in the refridgerated section - who knew? Apparently Julie did. It was well worth the hassle however because the dumplings turned out very tasty.

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