Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Property Line

Up until now the property line (which separates our land from the DEP and our neighbors) has been something of a mystery. Sure dad knows its vague location but you were never going to get anything too specific out of him. Well, as I bushwacked my way along this mysterious invisible line (guided by surveyor's marks and old maps) posting 'No Tresspassing' signs, I decided that it was high time for us to have a path there. So I set off with a couple cans of neon spray paint to mark off this path. This is a slow process because you have to stop and mark every tree that you want cut down so that whomever comes along behind you with their clippers and chainsaw doesn't have to stop and think about which way to go and which trees to keep - marking doesn't sound like much but it makes the cutting part much more streamlined. After the path is cut and logs and rocks are cleared it looks great. Here is a picture of Guinness and Tapper on a section of newly completed path. The leaves are raked to the side so that the path-maker can be sure they are not missing any stumps or rocks as they go, this also gives the path a very clear outline. However, fall is fast approaching and all of those lovely green leaves you see in the pictures will soon be blanketing our brand new path making it MUCH harder to find and follow! So dad asked me to come up with some sort of marking/symbol we can put on the trees so that we will always know where the path is. The Appalachian trail is marked with white dashes but these are pretty hard to see in winter when everything is white, plus they are a bit boring given that I can pick anything ;) I haven't made a final decision on what to use yet but here is my first idea:

I love it because it is used as a symbol in Harry Potter but it doesn't show up too well on the trees (I think it is too intricate) so I am going to keep designing...

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