Monday, October 15, 2007

Bernese Mountain Dog Parade

If you have never heard of a Bernese Mountain Dog its OK, you are not alone. Dad and Julie have two of them: Guinness (female, 7 years old) and Tapper (male, 3 years old) and that is the only reason I know anything about them... the breed is from Switzerland and I would have assumed that there weren't very many of them in the United States (I can never remember seeing one before Guinness and Tapper) - oh man was I wrong, it turns out that there is quite a healthy subculture surrounding "Berners", enough so that this past weekend we took part in a Bernese Mountain Dog Parade! It was in Connecticut, about a 40 minute drive from our house, and they were everywhere. Tapper and Guinness wore their barrels - little casks like you see on the necks of St. Bernards (also from Switzerland) when they are out on rescue missions - which were a big hit. My favorite was a 3 month old puppy, here is a picture of Dad's favorite, apparently this breeds' calm temperament makes them a natural for pulling small carts or wagons, a task they originally performed in Switzerland...

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