Saturday, January 22, 2011

Close Call

Sheldon, Cheuk (Sheldon's dad) and I were in a car accident today. Everyone was OK, just a few bruises, thank goodness for airbags, seatbelts, and insurance! The lady that hit us was trying to speed away from the scene of the accident behind her where she had just hit another car. She tried to drive off after hitting us too but her car was too damaged to keep running. She was OK too, might have been something to do with all the drugs she was clearly on when she got out of the car, YIKES!


Tracy Pierre said...

Yikes, indeed. Moments like that can be pretty scary. You're not quite certain on what to do next, as you try to avoid further damage and injury. Not panicking is good, though. Keep a calm mind and find a route to safety.

Charla Mcguyer said...

Oh my, the way your car was totaled is super scary. Those airbags sure protected you from severe harm. People nowadays should learn that they don't own the road - they share it with others.

Alecia said...
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Alecia said...

Good thing you filed for insurance. After all, we never know when these things may happen to us. But what's important is that you guys are all fine. I hope that event doesn't traumatize you in any way. Always keep safe.

Alecia Longsworth