Friday, February 15, 2008

Coming Along

Kayla's dad arrived Tuesday night from North Dakota in a UHaul (which he packed in -30 degree weather) full of the rest of Kayla's belongings and furniture that her grandmother gave us for the apartment. This (combined with the fact that my last two boxes arrived in the mail yesterday) makes me feel like we have now officially moved to L.A. Thanks to Kayla's grandmother, we are now proud owners of a stylish floral print couch and two lovely, emerald green, velveteen chairs. While relaxing on our newly acquired furniture, we can enjoy a movie on Kayla's television (no TV shows yet since we don't have cable and haven't managed to acquire a set of rabbit ears) or we can take the scholarly route and choose to read a book that can be stored on our new bookcase (thanks Mr. Reynolds). We also no longer need to eat meals sitting on the floor or standing in the kitchen, instead we will be enjoying them at our dining room table! Hopefully, as of this coming Monday, we will also have the option of eating on our porch - I will be meeting with a lady who is moving and wants to offload an outdoor table and four chairs for $50 (I love craigslist). Our kitchen is also coming along nicely, we now have a mixer, toaster oven, microwave and a George Foreman Grill. I called the gas company and had the gas turned on so our stove and oven now work, however we are going to have to invest in an oven thermometer so that we know what temperature we are cooking things at, since apparently the the company that made our stove (25 years ago) didn't think that 'current oven temperature' was an important feature. I did not manage to find myself a desk this week but I commandeered two extraneous end tables and a cooler (from the UHaul stash) so I am no longer sitting on the floor. You can also see from this picture that I put up two maps of L.A. on my wall (now it really feels like a command center) with the hope that someday I will be able to make it around town without the Garmin. I got the maps from AAA while I was exchanging my Florida plates for California plates and I also stopped by the DMV this week to get my California drivers license. I don't actually have the physical license yet (they mail it to you) but I have a temporary version on a sheet of paper which was all I needed to get my local library card! I also made my first official foray onto the UCLA campus Monday, for my immunization review and physical, and to sign my new hire paperwork - it has been a busy week! I'm leaving this afternoon for a weekend of camping and rock-climbing in New Jack City with a couple people I met at the 'Reading to Kids' thing last weekend so hopefully I will have some good pictures to put up next week :)

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