Sunday, July 8, 2007

Austin's Lakehouse

Yesterday, Laura and I went out to our friend Austin's lakehouse. We were aiming to get there by 11 but since it is summer and since this is college, we didn't make it out until around 12:30... Laura brought her slalom ski and I brought my wakeboard and we spent the afternoon reminding ourselves of why we love growing up in Florida. My goal for the day was to work on landing jumps. I can get up on my wakeboard just fine and I can move in and out of the wake in both directions with relative ease but when it comes to jumping/landing I am terrible. This is unacceptable considering I own my own wakeboard - I think it is a bit embearassing to show up with your own wakeboard if you can't do something cool on it to impress the people on the boat. With a little advice from Austin and his brother I managed to land enough jumps to protect my good name. Laura makes me and my wipeouts look pathetic when she gets up on the slalom because she never falls, she did however manage to do something to her knee because today it is black and blue and a bit puffy. At least it is only her knee hurting her, later in the day I decided to try my hand at slaloming and wake skating (picture a board bigger than a skateboard without wheels but smaller than a wakeboard without fins) and I fell enough that it was painful to get out of be this morning, but I stayed up long enough for Laura to snap this picture of me enjoying a nice cold beverage while skiing behind the boat.

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