Sunday, July 17, 2011

Girls Weekend

I got out of the hospital around three on Friday afternoon and called Katie to convince her to escape her office a bit early and come meet me at the Pig 'n Whistle which is a pub near her apartment. Sheldon was out of town for his bachelor party so we decided to have a girls weekend! After Pig 'n Whistle we stopped by PJ Clarke's (another bar) for some appetizers before picking up a pizza and then heading back to her apartment to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 in preparation for going to see the final film! We woke up Saturday, and grabbed some bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches on our way to the movie which was AMAZING. After the movie (and a fair amount of candy to wash down those breakfast sandwiches) we spent the afternoon at a spa, soaking in lemon, ginger and cucumber infused pools; rotating between the hot and dry saunas; getting full body exfoliation (it was like when they rub the pumice stone on your feet when you get a pedicure but they did it over our entire bodies - I have never been so soft!); and finishing up with massages. We ended the afternoon reading in Bryant Park and then went back to her apartment to cook dinner, watch The Glee Project and play Dominon. All-in-all I would say it was a pretty awesome girls weekend!

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