Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No Autographs Please

Back when I was getting ready to apply to anesthesia programs I worked as a research assistant for the head CRNA at UCLA's Department of Anesthesiology. He knew I was applying to school and knew that I was looking to beef up my resume (I had, after all, sought him out for that exact purpose) so he encouraged me to write an article that incorporated some aspect of my specialty but that could also be published in the California Association of Nurse Anesthetists journal. I had a hard time believing that this would ever come to fruition but, not wanting to disappoint my new mentor, I agreed and put together an article on "The Importance of Effective Analgesia in the Post-Operative Cardiac Surgery Patient". It is every bit as dry as the title makes it sound (remember: I wasn't expecting this to get past his inbox) but I am going to make you read it (scan it) anyway because it actually got published! Dr. Griffis (the guy I did the research for) emailed this evening to get permission to use the article for an educational website he is constructing (he is one of the CRNA instructors at USC). Now I need to figure out how to reference the dang thing on my resume.

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