Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Additions to Redfield Redfield Farms.

Jeff with Wilbur and her piglets at 4 days old. (Our friends farm...but the piglets will be on their way to our place soon)

Angel Pat, Angel Beverly, Paige, Katie, Brenda, Julie, Isabelle, Atherton (Rooster), Nancy & Claire. (Rhode Island Reds, Bard Reds and Comets). I've been allowed to name the hens, but I've been asked not to name the meat chickens when they arrive next week...someone thinks I might start to get too attached to actually be prepared to ever eat our meat birds.
The Hen House addition to the barn, with viewing wall and Guinness proof fencing.

Tiger (11 weeks) making sure Guinness (8 years old and used to ruling her roost) isnt anywhere nearby!

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