Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Years in Santa Barbara

Dad and Julie spent Christmas in San Francisco with Julie's brother's family (Steve, Brenda, Marshall and Isabelle) and then flew down to meet me in LA for a couple days. Julie used to live about a mile from my current apartment, so she knows her way around which turned out to be a lifesaver because I worked the first day they were here, left dinner that night to go on the harvest and then spent the entire next day sleeping! The following morning we drove up to Santa Barbara for the remainder of their visit which included a New Year's Eve party thrown by their friends, James and Aaron. We planned to take a New Year's Day hike in the mountains behind Julie's parent's old house... but some hang-overs got in the way ;) so we ended up hiking on the 2nd before I had to drive back home. What a visit!

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