Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Where Have I Been?

It turns out that, while far more entertaining, video blogging is way tougher to pull off than just normal blogging. It is one thing to have my digital camera in my pocket all day to be whipped out at my convenience... it is an entirely different animal when you are talking about having the foresight to bring your not-quite-pocket-size video camera along. And if I thought it was hard to get candid pictures of my friends and family in their "natural environment" then I had no idea how they would react in front of a video camera! The minute I hit the record button they morph into entirely different people - they don't talk the same, they don't act the same and they stop whatever cool thing they are doing (that I wanted to film) to smile at the camera. By the time they get comfortable (usually around take 15) the novelty of the situation has pretty much worn off and I don't want to blog about it any more, especially since that requires re-watching all the takes so I can edit them together. This has resulted in me posting significantly less often which conflicts with my original purpose: keeping friends and family updated on my life. So while videos are fun, I need to find a better way to balance them with regular posts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
