Sunday, July 1, 2012

NYU Langone Medical Center

I'm at my LAST CLINICAL SITE!!!!!!!!!!  I started my rotation at NYU on June 19th.  Recap: Memorial Sloan Kettering, Cornell, Maryland Shock Trauma, Methodist, Westchester, Danbury, Long Island Jewish. Ahhhhhh!  I can't believe it!  NYU is in midtown east on the corner of 34th and 1st.  I still haven't figured out the most efficient way to get there (I have biked, I have taken the bus, I have done a combination of bike and bus) but I am just happy to be back in Manhattan for my last rotation.  We still have class every Monday but I have taken my last test and turned in my last assignment so I am truly on the home stretch here.  Chuck and I found an awesome apartment in West Hartford, our lease starts there August 1st and my last day of clinical here is August 17th.  I will be spending the last two weeks of August moving and settling in and then I will get down to business studying for boards in September.  We have to pass a national certification exam to become CRNAs (certified registered nurse anesthetists) instead of just GRNAs (graduated registered nurse anesthetists), so that is the next big hurdle on my horizon.  It feels weird to be getting this close to the end of my days as a student - weird but AWESOME.  Here is an early-morning view of the East River from NYU:

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