Alrighty then... don't know about you but I find it ...ah.. "concerning" when instead of the friendly gurgle of water moving properly thru the plumbing, there's the distictive "splat" of the tub draining somewhere it shouldn't. Like say under the house. Option One: Call a plumber and throw yourself at the mercy of his "expert opinion" which would, no doubt, include the need to replumb the entire system in 14 karat gold piping... OR Option Two: Suck it up and get your happy self under there to determine just what's going on and if you really need the afomentioned plumber and his car payment or simply a trip to the hardware store. Decisions, decisions. We (me and my lovely assistant, cheerleader and photo journalist, Paige) chose Door Number Two and won an all expense paid trip to Home Depot, a couple of bruised elbows and big girl bragging rights for crawling into the Belly of the Beast. ~ MOM
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